The company gave the updates after market hours on Wednesday, January 1 and Tata Motors counter settled at INR 749.25 on the NSE, up by INR 8.55 or 1.15%.Shares of Tata Motors jumped 2% to their day’s high of INR 765 on the BSE on Thursday as the company reported a 1% year-on-year growth in its December 2024 sales numbers at 76,599 units versus 76,138 units in the year-ago period.
Meanwhile, Tata Motors domestic and international sales for Q3FY25 stood at 2,35,599 vehicles, compared to 2,34,981 units during Q3FY24. It was up by 0.26% on a YoY basis.
Total commercial vehicles (CV) sales stood at 95,770 units, which was down 1% YoY while the total PV sales was reported at 1,39,829 units, up 1% YoY.
The company gave the updates after market hours on Wednesday, January 1 and Tata Motors counter settled at INR 749.25 on the NSE, up by INR 8.55 or 1.15%.
Tata Motors shares have fallen from their 52 week peak of INR 1,179 to INR 749.85, witnessing a 36% decline. Over a 1-year period, its share price has declined by 5% versus 9% uptick in Nifty.
The recent correction has also seen the Tata Motors stock fall below its 50-day and 200-day simple moving averages (SMAs) of INR 798 and INR 949, respectively.
The correction has come with high volatility as its 1-year beta stands at 1.1 according to Trendlyne data.
Tata Motors fell short of market expectations, with a 62.4% YoY fall in standalone net profit to INR 477 crore from INR 1,270 crore in the second quarter of the financial year ending September, compared to the same period in the previous year. The revenue from operations also dropped by 16.3% YoY to Rs 15,518 crore from INR 18,542 crore in the period under review.
The fall in the revenue of passenger vehicles was due to slow consumer demand and seasonal factors, the company said in the earnings release. It said the Jaguar Land Rover’s revenue was impacted by temporary aluminum supply constraints. Commercial vehicles sales were affected by slowdown in infrastructure project execution, a reduction in mining activity and an overall drop in fleet utilisation due to heavy rains, it said.